After some of our fellows have been prosecuted for the occupation of the trainstation, I will be the first person being sued for coercion in five cases due to the blockades of the construction site. Might be out of chance, might be because some people in green (who again and again personally affronted me at various actions and demonstrations) like to have me out of their way early.
Almost a year after destruction started against massive protests, its still not clear if the trainstation works more effective, if the minimal cost security concept could save any live during an accident and how bad disabled and old peoples are affected by the limited space and track-concept in order to save money.
But of course it is about more than a trainstation: Its about continuining politics that excludes affected people from decisions, that pursues the logic of gaining capital over the real needs of people and that systematically uses violence, oppression and legal persecution on those that are questioning false information and don't accept corrupt "business as usual". What moves me most is the concept of violence used in the discourse of our society: I am accused of having forced a human with violence to an act, toleration or neglect. Friends, lawyers and fellows tell me definitely it is an act of violence to sit on a street or track and block construction materials. I ask myself in which relation does it stand towards the violence of people being forced to leave their homes, being forced to have their park and memories destroyed, being forced to accept radioactive waste in their region, being forced to have no chance to participate in society and decisions and being even more marginalised in the not-caring faster-higher-bigger rational of our economy. And I haven't mentioned the direct violence of the police which I was happy to experience extensively the last 6 month. How come nobody of these decision makers are sitting in court for S21, for nuclear waste and for coerced resettlements in mining areas?....How come people in the affected areas accept this violence, but people who stand in against it are put on the pillory in court saying you are using violence and you have to take the consequence? How come people are afraid (or have to be afraid) of using blockades as a justified mean to defend their home and their environment?
Anyway I have no regrets, the only regret is that I see the Deutsche Bahn is still doing a so called "stress-test" designed by themselves, realized by themselves and published by themselves for their own interest and politicians & people are calling it a democratic milestone. And stop going to the streets. I know what you might say...let me say in the end its all a question of priorities, courage and a long, strong breath (firebreeze ;-)) After a night where 70.000 people have been to the streets and at midnight the Deutsche Bahn brought a second digger to destruct faster, we blocked the roads. A police officer swichting of his microphone asked me: What are you doing? Pressure from the streets never worked, you have to get them where their only interest is: money. Stop paying taxes, fees etc. 8 month later I am 100% sure: The only thing that works is being on the streets and block their actions and have them revealed the hidden violence of their power structure and their economic and social discrimination. So the world can see their minds.
Oh and as I read the Deutsche Bahn is continuining the destruction (though all of the points above) at this very moment - for updates and press see (in german)
And I am happy and proud that people organize the first national protest camp on the weekend in Stuttgart, with workshops, music, discussions and......a mass blockade on the destruction site with the whole camp for monday and tuesday. I will be there :-) What are you doing this weekend?
How come nobody of these decision makers are sitting in court for S21, for nuclear waste and for coerced resettlements in mining areas?
AntwortenLöschenI would like to address the general question behind this: why arent decision-makers liable for every cost and pain they cause?
Answer: because we would never be able to make tough choices as a society if that was the case. going back to a society in which we dont strive for higher-bigger-faster will also hurt millions, strip them of what they value, even if you think it is stupid what the strive for.
Thanks for your comment Dr.E!
AntwortenLöschenMy question would be: who does it hurt, if we don't strive for bigger-faster? The 1 1/2 billion human beings that are suffering from severe hunger, no access to clean water and sanitation in our current system (in a world that has enough resources)? Probably not.. Or would it hurt those who profit from their own decisions to accumulate more money and power? Probably yes...A society can always strive for bigger-faster if the people can determine their own living and participate in decisions concerning them. And only then we can survive on this limited planet otherwise you will always have the not-in-my-backyard attitude,totally neglecting the liability to our own actions and decisions mentioned by you. Yes, I guess we ALL have to be liable for our decisions to become more responsible for our society..