Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

The silence before the storm

Things finally moved me to Berlin. Organising the climate camp (www.lausitzcamp.info) trying to stop CCS, making music and hopefully soon back to grade eight to thirteen. On the other side of the desk though ;-) For some anti-discrimination and civil courage hours at schools. And yes behind the bar again to survive.
Visiting Cologne, the Rheinisches Braunkohlerevier (brown coal area), last weekend and Jänschwalde Cottbus Lausitzer Braunkohlerevier this weekend and talking to locals & campaigners, looking at the forests, villages and landscapes that shall be destroyed leaves me quite puzzled. My brain just can't comprehend the absolute destruction of nature and social bondages. Just dredged away homes, trees, fields. We can not let this happen.
60.000 (!!!) more trees of beautiful and unique Hambacher Forst shall be bucked starting this winter. 
The people of the villages are quite pissed, some worn out of false promises and struggles, lost hope and annoyed of RWE, the west-german energy giant, dictating conditions for the resettlement. Some of them say its too late. Some say the deals and plans have been made decades ago. Yes, at a time when nobody knew about climate change, fine dust, and radioactive materials that are released and all together kill millions of people through starvation in droughts, floods, cancer and storms. When nobody knew about the technical limits of human intervention forcing farmers and householders to stay away from their "restored" excavation land for security reasons. Some say Greenpeace came, climbed a digger and left.

I say: we will come to stay.

What is happening in your country? What places are affected by the fossil and nuclear industry? How do the people react to it? Let us hear whats going down around your place!

Movements for climate justice:   http://www.klimacamp2011.de/

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